The Middle East has been suffering several water conflicts between upstream and downstream countries for five thousands years because peoples or sovereign states didn’t get on well to share water.
First, the Middle East is one of the most arid regions in the world. Moreover, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow through three different states : Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Furthermore, the Middle East is a politically unstable area. What is more, freshwater demands are rising not only because the population growth rate is still increasing but also because these states are developing-countries (water management projects like construction of dams). In addition, the control of these rivers can begin a new weapon in diplomacy and political fields.
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I can't bear that a few people can play with the life of the other. water is very important for everybody. When I read such a paper I have ideas of revolution. But I can't do every thing, I'm too small. So good luck.
is very important for everybody
good luck
I think, it is very essential to speak about this problems. Too much people do what they want with the nature and especially the water.
Turkey and Syria, mainly over the waters of the Euphrates River, are in a serious escalation of hostilities, which could lead to an all-out conflict between the two nations. Turkey, with the completion of the GAP project, plans to fully utilize its share of the Euphrates river, which is the only reliable source of running water for Syria. Syria needs the waters of the Euphrates river to continue its irrigation programs and to keep the water levels high in the Assad Lake in order to sustain the hydroelectric production. So
I think we need to move and do something and FAST.
Good luck!
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